Monday, October 4

A Frugal Way of Life

If I could list all the ways we cut costs in this family I would.  Maybe some day I will.  Sometimes I forget how frugal our life really is because we've been living this way for so long.  I've been making my own laundry detergent for 2 years now.  I make some of my cleaning products.  We do not use paper towels, paper plates, foam plates, or anything like that.  I do use disposable diapers, but even those are bought at 1/4 of what retail price should be.  For the longest time I made my own baby wipes.  Which was fun, until I got those for 75% off retail too.  We reuse so much.  We re-purpose even more.  I am the queen of coupon deals, clearance shelves, sale prices and great buys.  We are the family that can go into a store, spend $10 and come out with enough items to retail at $100.  It is a way of life that I am proud of and love to share with others.  After all, I wouldn't have the ability to do all of this if others hadn't shared their knowledge with me first.

This is the recipe I follow to make my own laundry detergent.  It is super easy to do!  It makes a 5 gallon mixture that can be put into smaller bottles for convience.  5 gallons will last me about 2-3 months.  And I do at least one load every day.  Total cost for a 5 gallon bucket is a little less than a dollar.


You will Need:

1 bar of Ivory Soap (grated)
You can buy these in pks of 3 for .99.  Use a .25 coupon that comes out usually once a month in the Sunday paper to get it for .74

Found in the laundry area of the grocery store by the powdered detergents.  Cost:  Between $4-5 for a huge box.

Washing Soda
Different from Baking Soda!!  This is also found in the laundry area in powder form.  I get the Arm and Hammer brand.  Not Baking Soda!  Cost:  Between $4-5

Dawn Dish Soap (Optional)
For extra stain fighting!

5 Gallon Bucket w/ lid

What to do:

Grate Ivory Soap into a pan w/ 4 Cups HOT water over med/high heat.  Stir until melted.  Remove from heat.  Let cool, but don't let it go back to a solid.

Fill up a 5 gallon bucket half way with HOT water.  Add melted soap, 1 CUP Borax, and 1 Cup Washing soda.  Stir til dissolved.

Fill bucket up completely with HOT water.  Add 1/2 cup - 1 Cup Dawn.  Stir.

Cover bucket lightly with lid, but do not seal.  Let it sit 24 hrs.

Detergent will be sort of gloppy.  STIR WELL!  The glops will break down.   (I've used up to 1 1/2 cups Borax and 1 1/2 cups washing soda instead of a cup and there seems to be less glops and more gel)  The mixture has to be stirred or shaken every time you use it to distribute the soap.

Pour into an old detergent container.  Before you use it just give the bottle a quick shake and use lid to measure out your detergent.

I use 2 cap fulls for towels and one for our clothes.

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