Wednesday, December 1

It's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS

Happy December 1st!!  Our family always has so much fun around the holidays!!  It is going to be a great month.

We put up our tree.  I still need to decorate it.  We are using shatterproof ornaments and ribbon instead of hooks.  I'll make sure to take some pictures when I get it finished.

((Not sure why these pictures turned out so dark.  My camera was doing funny things this morning))
As for now, we have a few things up and around the house.  The boys have their own little special tree in the living room.  This tree is for them to decorate and play with all season long. 
I brought out special ornaments (shatterproof of course) and tied a big loop of ribbon onto them so it will be easy for the boys to hook them onto the branches.   

We are also using bows, toys, and a star tree topper to decorate.  This is such a good fine motor exercise to help them with their dexterity. 
I put a pretty basket next to the tree to hold all the decorations.  I also threw in some extra bows and put some gift bags scattered around the house.
I have so many plans for the rest of the month.  We are going to make a paper tree out of wrapping paper and bows for ornaments.  I'm going to bring in some ever green twigs and paint with them.  Hopefully we can make some paper snowmen or some sort of project with cotton balls.  I really enjoy winter projects.  It should help us since we are going to be stuck inside for most of the day.

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