Wednesday, August 17

What's happening in our World?

Things don't really change around here, do they?  Another day goes by and the boys get a little bit bigger.  Steve has the day off tomorrow and I'm so happy that he does.  We need a nice relaxing day as a family.

This week I started implementing preschool activities into our day to day routine.  We are doing themed units which include art, music, reading, large motor activities, and a few day trips.  This week we talked about how the big kids are going back to school and riding in a school bus.  We made a few art projects and read books about school.  Tomorrow we will be starting our unit about the beach.  Steve and I are taking the boys to Lake Michigan to kick off the week and to have some get away time. 

Caleb loves all the fun, new activities.  I think he would do activities all day long if he could.  Most of the themes are geared toward his age group, although Kaysen does like to join in on the fun.  Today we painted with potatoes.  We talked about how the potato made a yellow circle when you stamped it in the paint.  Kaysen does not like getting messy so he painted and stamped away until the paint touched his fingers.  Then he was done.  But Caleb was occupied for about 15 minutes and even helped me clean up.

We also made a quick trip out to the park to have a picnic lunch.  I remembered to take my camera.  Plus, I want to add a picture of last week at the fair when Caleb came face to face with a Big Digger.  He was so happy!

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