Thursday, July 14

Business as Usual

This week everything is back to normal.  Steve is working, the kids have decent bedtimes/awake times, and I am back to bargain hunting and budgeting.  The days start and end in the same way every day. it good or bad?  I'm not so sure.

Kaysen is still going through sippy cup withdraw.  Tonight as he was having a major melt down over not having a sippy, Caleb apparently kicked him in the face.  I didn't see this of course because they were in their room supposedly trying to fall asleep.  Kaysen started screaming louder, which I just thought was part of the tantrum he was throwing.  I walked in and Caleb told me "My foot hit Kaysen face".  Great.  So in other words, you kicked him.  Nice one, Caleb.

The days are not all that rough though.  We have our good points and our quiet moments.  Just today Caleb woke up from nap in a great mood!  Here's how the conversation went.

Caleb:  Hi Momma
     ~ Hi baby.
Caleb:  You miss me?
     ~ I did miss you baby.
Caleb:  Miss you too me night.
     ~  Awww baby, I'm glad you missed me.  I missed you too when you took a nap.

Very sweet!  These little guys are amazing, aren't they?

Here's some pictures of our afternoon together.  Business as usual.  I told you I finally got another memory stick, right?  It was a huge bargain...FREE!  Can't beat that, huh? 

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