Thursday, June 9


This week has been full of ups and downs. Seriously, it's only Thursday. I'm just ready for this week to end.

Brookfield Zoo

We took the boys to the brookfield zoo Monday. It was HOT, but we went early enough in the day that we managed to stay cool. I get the ultimate "rotten blogger award" because I forgot to bring my camera. I apologized over and over to Steve because he wanted some pictures of the boys.

We had a really nice time. Caleb's favorite was the dolphins and the seals. He loved to watch them underwater swimming past the glass. Kaysen loved the baby meerkats. You should of heard that little boy squeal with delight as he watched the little balls of fur run up and down the rocks.

Overall it was a very nice day!

Air conditioner

Plain and simple: It died. I have no idea what is wrong with it and we have an appointment for someone to come look at it tomorrow. I have my fingers crossed that it's repairable and I do not have to dish out a couple thousand for a house that I don't even want to keep. *sigh*

The weather was HOT these past couple of days. My poor kids were sitting in this house with a reading of 88 degrees. We were in the house all day long yesterday with no car to drive anywhere and no air. As soon as Steve got home from work we grabbed the boys and went out to eat and to the mall. Then today the temp dropped to under 55 degrees. Our bodies are just not meant to deal with such a temperature difference.

It gave all of us some sort of sickness. Steve is sleeping on the couch right now (and it's 8pm). Caleb fell asleep this evening watching Toy Story. Kaysen has had a very sick tummy. Remember, he's in underwear now and that does not mix with a sick tummy! We had 2 very bad accidents away from home over the past 2 days. The first time I had brought a change of clothes, but guess who forgot to add more clothes to the bag for the next day? Poor Baby. Let's just say that mommies take care of things, even when they are completely unprepared. Tonight he had a bad accident in his diaper before bed. That never happens. I don't think I've cleaned up a dirty diaper in MONTHS.

Speaking of diapers...

Kaysen is out of them for naps. We are only on day 2 but so far so good. We are not going back to them. He will wear them for night only until he's ready to move out of them for good. I'm so proud! He's not even 20 months old but he has this potty thing all together. Well, except for the recent poop incidents.

And the house...

Still up for sale and no views since we last talked about it. *sigh*

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