Tuesday, April 5

Afraid of Monkeys

I think I've done some damage to Kaysen...

Kaysen has always been a sensitive little boy.  He's calm and cautious about everything he does during the day.  He has a big heart and he's very sensitive to change...

When I bought Toy Story 3 a couple months ago, I assumed the boys would love it.  After all, we had just got rid of cable, and it would be nice to let them watch a little bit of TV every once in a while.  A nice change from just playing around the house.

The movie was a huge hit...until Kaysen saw "THE MONKEY".

Poor baby came running up to me with a tiny little voice "aa-ee, aa-ee" which is his way of saying monkey.  (get it?  The sound the monkey makes).  I scooped him up and told him that there was nothing to be afraid of and the monkey would be gone soon...which he was.

Every time we watch the movie, he is fine until the monkey jumps on the television.  But lately, it's not just the monkey on Toy Story 3.  Today he came running to me scared to death of the monkey on Lion King.  The other day he refused to read an animal book that had a monkey in it.  And he has even woke up crying during the night telling me about the monkeys.

For now, we have put Toy Story 3 away and we are watching other things.  But my little guy is still afraid.  Poor Baby.  What did Mommy do to you?

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