Monday, October 4

Cash Envelopes: How-To

I'm so excited to be creating my own envelopes for my cash envelope system!  It is fun, relaxing, and it makes me want to use cash even more for my purchases because I have cute envelopes to whip out at the cash register!

I have 17 Categories for my envelopes.  So I started with 17 pieces of card stock.  I was going to go out and buy some printed paper for this, but after searching I found some plain colored card stock that worked just as well.

I unfolded an envelope to use as a template to create my own.  I made sure the envelope was the correct size, and that it fit on the paper.

I traced around the envelope, folded on the parts that needed to be folded, and used scrapbook adhesives to hold the folds in place.

I printed out my labels for each category I wanted an envelope for.  I cut around them with craft scissors and used adhesives to attach them to matching scrap paper.

I cut around the labels again with craft scissors and attached them to the front of the envelope.  There is a label for the front and a label for the back.

I'm still working on finishing all 17.  But these are so cute and really make the whole process of using cash easier for me because it's fun.

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