Monday, October 4

October Fun

Here's a few pictures of my boys enjoying the cool October air.

We have so many things planned for this Halloween.  We just need to get past Kaysen's birthday first.  I plan on having the boys help stuff a scarecrow, carve a pumpkin, decorate the house with Halloween decorations, and hang lights up in their room.  We have already started reading halloween books and talking about spooky scary things.  Today we made a haunted house out of blocks and some halloween toys. 

Spiders and Ghosts are Caleb's favorite!  He will hold spiders in his hand really gently and say "Yuck!  Yuck!"  But he never wants to put them down. 

Caleb drove the cars around the haunted house and the ghost, bat, and pumpkin would jump out and say "BOO!"
He really is so creative.  It was his idea to put the cars in the haunted house in the first place.

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