Tuesday, October 19

Typical Tuesday

It just another lazy Tuesday morning.  Kaysen is still asleep and Caleb is drinking his milk watching Curious George in the living room.

Last week we went to get Kaysen's one year pictures taken.  It didn't go so well.  We are going to go back in a week or so to try again.  I'd be scared too in a tiny room with lots of big lights and flashing things going on.  Here are some before pictures right before we left.  Yeah, it looks rough for the little guy.

Today I have a few things to get done around here.  Sunday was a "super cleaning day" for me.  I really didn't do anything super, but I felt like I was cleaning all day long.  I did wipe down/scrub the kitchen ceiling fan, which felt good!  Yesterday was my grocery shopping day.  I took the boys while Steve was at work.  I spent way too much time meal planning and making out a grocery list before I went.  The boys' nap schedules no longer overlap, so I had to fit in my planning in between play and meal times.  Kaysen kept crawling into our bedroom to mess with the Christmas presents that are hidden under our bed.  Then he would crawl out to the laundry room looking for "dog-dog".   Cassie (our dog) is now renamed Dog-Dog, because that's what the boys call her.  Kaysen started it, and Caleb just followed. 

I took these pictures of the boys in their PJs yesterday.  I can't believe they are getting so big.

Here's Kaysen crawling around with his new sippy cup in his mouth.  A new thing to chew on!  Yippee!!

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