Saturday, November 6


We woke up to SNOW this morning.  Caleb and Kaysen were so excited!  The first thing they do in the morning is look out the window.  Today they stood in front of the patio door shouting "ohhhhh....ahhhhhh..." Then Caleb ran to the closet and got out his shoes.  He wanted to go outside.  So here we were, 7:30am, and we took the boys outside to touch the snow.

Caleb didn't understand where the car went.  He kept signing "car" and pointing over to where the car used to be.  He looked worried, until we explained to him that the snow covered everything, including the car.  We showed him the neighbor's car and the trees, and showed him the grass under the snow.  Once he realized that everything was still there, just covered up, he relaxed.

Kaysen didn't know what to think either.  He touched the snow with his foot, and then wanted to go inside.  He was more excited to stand at the screen door and scream "ohhhhhh" at all the snowflakes falling down.

Later on in the morning we gave Caleb a brush and he helped daddy clean off the car.  He's such a big helper.  Kaysen wanted to help too, but he's still too little.  Maybe one of these days soon.

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