Monday, September 13

My Journey Towards HEALTH

I was originally going to title this post "My weight loss journey".  But I don't think that title is that appropriate.  My main goal is to be healthy and fit, to be active, and to enjoy life.  Weight loss is just an added bonus.

Motherhood has really changed the way I view my health.  Before I got pregnant I lived for myself.  That was OK.  But now I have a whole new set of standards for myself and my family.  Not only am I providing for me, but also my two boys.  My health reflects onto them.  So in order for them to grow up healthy and strong, I needed to make some major adjustments.

My first big step was to cut out *most* processed food and fast food.  I'll admit I still have a hot dog from time to time, and I love McDonald's.  But now it is only on occasions instead of my lifestyle.  Then, I cut out the pop.  Again, I drink it only in moderation.  Last, I tackled the carbs and my milk choice.  I buy everything 100% whole wheat, and actually prefer the taste over white breads.  Milk is now skim.  Every day, all the time.  Trust me, I can drink a lot of milk.

But I think the biggest change was when I started exercising on a regular basis.  The pounds started shedding off as easy as I had put them on during my pregnancies.  I now look forward to exercising.  My body starts to feel off if I don't do some sort of physical activity during the day.  Even a 10 minute brisk walk makes a world of difference.

My body went through a heck of a lot in the past 3 yrs and 2 back to back pregnancies.  So here is the journey I traveled:
Early 2008:  1st trimester with Caleb:  164 lbs
Sept. 2008:  9 months pregnant:  187 lbs    weight gain: 23 lbs
Oct. 2008:  After giving birth:  172 lbs  weight loss:  15 lbs
January 2009:  1st trimester with Kaysen:  172 lbs
Oct. 2009:  9 months pregnant:  185 lbs  weight gain:  13lbs
::::And one year later::::
I'm now sitting very comfortably at 138 lbs, somewhere around 5'7" and 5'8".  I have a BMI of 21.0.  I feel amazing!  I have energy and I can multi-task so much easier now.  Sometimes my mind has a hard time keeping up with my body.   Total weight loss since my heaviest:  49 lbs 

I know that deep down I would never feel comfortable going back to where I was.  Not that there was anything wrong with my weight, but I did not feel healthy.  Now I do, and that is the important part.  No matter how much weight I have lost.  What matters is how I feel mentally.  And I feel good.

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