Sunday, March 20

Spring is Coming

It's hard enough that I have to wait for spring to get here, and even harder for a little boy who doesn't even understand the concept of seasons yet.

Daddy brought out some spring toys for the boys to play with.  Unfortunately, there was still snow on the ground and it's cold.  Poor Caleb wanted to go out so bad.  He gathered up all his toys and asked to go dig in the dirt.  Then he asked if he could play in the water (sprinkler). 

Don't worry, Caleb.  Spring will be here soon.

Step #1:  Grab the shovel, a little scoop, and the baseball mitt. 

Step #2:  Drop the baseball mitt, grab the frisbee, lay the scoop on top and stare at the shovel, figuring out if there is a better way to carry everything.

Step #3:  Finally, just grab everything the best you can and head to the door.

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